Monday, November 12, 2012

The appropriate balance between listening and tolerating anothers ideas

What is the appropriate balance between allowing one to defend his or her ideals and tolerating one's ideals, their hysteria even? In the events leading up to World WarII, Hitler being a war veteran was a popular figure being able to persuade a crowd of people to do as he wished and having his ideals tolerated by people who hated him. In the end he gained to much power making himself a hysteric man. his people tolerated and hid from his hysterical ideals of slaughtering an entire race of people. Anne frank a smiling kind hearted girl was one such person who hid from Hitler, she was found in the end though and was forced to a labor camp, forced to work untill death for being a jew.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Current connection 2

The purpose behind this article was to show a new bacteria that can live off caffeine and why we are unable to do so. The article shows that unlike our body, the bacteria breaks the rings of the genetic makeup of caffeine therefore turning it into energy to live off of. We as humans cannot do this just as we cannot digest cellulose that cows can, simply put we do not have the right bacteria to break it down for us. once we learn more of the human microbiome, we might find solutions to digesting such things as cellulose, or caffeine to turn them into energy we can live off of but for now we can not. We can relate this article to the world, their are still many bacteria we have yet to find and many things we still must learn about our body.

Current connection 1

Fox's purpose for this article was to inform us of the documents found, it also gets into detail about the found documents that were about building a flying saucer. Fox says "the Nationsal Declassification center... opened one of more than 100 cardboard boxes from the airforce recently and came across a 114-page document. A document describing a secret program to build a flying saucer." The article gets into great detail about the type of engine, thrust, and size of the saucer but then gets into detail of the prject being scrapped due to failed tests. This shows to the world that many different vehicles and experiments are being made globally as a secret.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Essay of what is an individuals duty

“A love for tradition has never weakened a nation; indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril.”  –Winston Churchill A duty or more of a tradition? Most people would call it both but an individual doesn’t seem to know what his duty may be. Reflect and realize how many people do not do the basic traditions of a nation that may make it stronger.

An individual’s duty would be to vote for his leader not to blindly follow what was elected for him.  As a quote from JFK’s Anogaral address he states, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” What an individual can do for their country is to vote it is not only a proud tradition in America it should be a duty, instead of complaining about who was voted take action. However if you vote don’t be blind research into the candidates and what they stand for don’t be ignorant and vote for people based on anything that’s not about their ideas such as color, looks, religion and even party. None of it should worry to a voter, only main ideas and points from the candidate. An example can be found by our past election when Obama was elected President, individuals were screaming for Obama to be president. When asked what he stood for however most people couldn’t answer that they simply voted for him based on his skin color.

An individual should not only vote for people but for bills as well. The constitution states “All men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” This being said it is your responsibility to be able to vote for bills to be passed. However some bills and such can’t be voted for so it should be an individual’s responsibility to let his representative know that he wouldn’t like such bills to be passed. Not because an individual doesn’t like what they say but because these bills are to promote life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to the people. Knowing this, should an individual simply go about blindly without voting? Without having his opinion heard? Well that is a question that neither I nor anyone else can answer; only you as the reader can answer this question.

An individual should have pride for his or her country. How an individual can have pride for their country is as simple as just saying the pledge every morning. In the long run the smallest things matter, having everybody unite and say the pledge is a way of unity among the people. An individual should do things to help their country and have pride doing it. Small things like picking up the trash on the side of the road can help your country. To help Promote ones nation to be clean and united helping with small things such as saying the pledge and picking up trash may seem very small but it can help people stay united and clean. Think about it if everybody said the pledge and picked up trash how much more united and clean our country can be?

The traditions of our nation can only strengthen us as a whole if we as a nation stick to our traditions than our country can be much more united. To not fight with each other but instead fight together against things like disease, greed, and hunger. To not hate things we don’t know but to understand things better and cope with such things. These can be accomplished in the end but it has to start with you, the individual

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Current event #2

Authors main idea: Obama may win election based on 7-11 coffee cup sales, Purpose:Descriptive

Evidence: Obama leads by a 60-40 margin even though its not official it has accutrately predicted who would win since 2000. In 2008 Sen. John McCain got 46 percent in the 7-11 Election and 45.7 percent in the real election, while Obama got 52 percent of the coffee cups and 52.9 percent of the actual votes.This connects to the world deciding who might turn out to be the next president.
In conclusion this could show the swing of the election showing that obama just might win a second term as president.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Current event

The authors purpose of this article was to prove that the thought of warp drive seen in star trek is actually not to far from being true.

The main idea states that the theory of a warp drive was abandoned a long time ago due to the thought of energy needed. Recently a scientist found that the energy costs aren't that great and has started a project of making a small version of a warp drive to prepare to make the real thing.

This can connect to the world by thinking outside the box because those things that might seem impossible are more than possible if you open your mind more.

This can connect to me by how i think i should not think of limitations instead think past boundrys.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Inference- The architects deliberately made the world trade center 1776 feet tall.

Evidence- It says in the diagram that the world trade center will be the tallest in America.

Explanation-the height that it was made was 1776 on purpose this would show that we can build higher and higher, it also says that the year 1776 was the year the Uited Sates became independent.

Isaiah's Bucketlist

  1. The Hunger Games (series)- Suzanne Collins: Based on the popularity of the books and the movie I thought this would be a great read. In the first of the two books of the series I have read the books show the people trying to survive in harsh districts. On top of that a government picks out random drawings for the hunger games, the games which every person that was chosen has to compete against each other and against their surroundings.
  2. Thirteen Reasons Why-Jay Asher: The story is set in a high school that in a way sounds like ours except a girl commits suicide and leaves behind 13 reasons why she did it. I Believe this may relate a lot to our school and the drama that goes around it. It can also relate to last year when a lot of teens died around  the school year, this could get in depth of why some teens take their own life.
  3. The Book Thief-Markus Zusak: This story takes place during world war two that is a main reason I want to read it. Most stories that are involved with a war seem to have more action than other books and they don't usually just focus on war they focus on the emotions that the people are feeling from it. By the title I predict that this could be about a person who steals books in world war two to forget about the on going war.
  4. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time-Mark Haddon: A friend told me this book was a good read. It involves a kid with autism who not only overcomes what people believe he can't but he also solves a mystery about who kills his neighbor's dog. I was told that it was a very touching story that should be read by everyone.
  5. Clockwork Prince-Cassandra Clair: Watching the video about the book I became very intrigued about it and wanted to read it. It seemed like an interesting story that could easily be made into a motion picture. This and the fact that miss Gilmore recommended it; which is always a good plus if a teacher recommends it.
  6. Its A Book-Lain Smith: I wanted to read this book because of one reason it involves technology and how people are adapting to the newest things.They adapt so much that they never really take the time to pick up something like a book to just enjoy it for what it is without all the high tech gadgets.
  7. Nailed-Patrick Jones: This was a book that reminded me about some of the things in our school where the jocks run most things and the outcasts stray away from them and any places that they hang out at. It seemed like a book that could relate to our school in a lot of ways.
  8. Alex Rider (Series)-Anthony Horowitz: I have always wanted to read this series but I never got around to it i thought reading it would remind me of James bond because it has to do with spy's except the spy in these books is a teen and not an adult.
  9. Divergent- veronica Roth: This book takes place in the future and I always like reading books about future happenings and stories so when I heard about this book and read the back I thought it would be something interesting to read.
  10. Kite Runner-Khaled Husseni: Reading the back of this book I thought it would be interesting to read because of what it stands for. It stands for friendship, loyalty and friendship which is always a touching story that can touch your heart and inspire us to have a sense of loyalty to our friends.

Monday, March 26, 2012

forgiveness of following orders

Do you forgive a soldier for obeying his commander's order to shoot an unarmed mother and child? Well i would for multiple reasons the soldier is obeying a command from a commander. in the military it is a strict rule to obey the commands of your superior and the consequences of disobeying a direct order is death. Knowing this the man who obeyed the order, feared death but also knew that if he were to disobey the order that somebody else would kill the mother and child instead. By knowing this I believe it is justified for him to be forgiven of what he did.